Earlier this year I had an experience that forced me to seriously reconsider my life as I became all too aware of the fleeting nature of human existence. Like you, I have many dreams collecting dust in the passage of time. And I decided then, as you should now, to persist in realizing those dreams. One such goal has been to attend an artist residency and get my artistic career back on track.

For those who aren’t familiar with the concept, a residency offers a space and support to artists of all genres to create new work. There is an application process during which a proposal is put forward, and to be awarded a place at a residency is an achievement in itself. I choose to apply to Arteles because of the vast landscapes that surround it.  Now I have the opportunity to spend the month of October 2016 living on a small holding in a remote forested area of Western Finland. 75% of Finland is covered with forest, and the country features over 60 000 lakes, making it the perfect environment for a return to nature. This quiet space will allow me to further my studies into human nature, the evolution of mankind and our natural place in the eco-system.  I believe that in a time when we have become so detached from our natural environment, our fellow man and even ourselves, a series of artworks shedding light on these matters offer value to the viewer. My findings will be illustrated in a series of conceptual self-portraits, which  will be available as a Book and Folio Box Set.

Support My Art

I would like to invite you to join me as I take the next step in my career as a photographic artist. For more information on how you can follow my journey and support my project you can visit my crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo!


Artist residency program at Arteles Creative Center to be attended by photographic artist Natalie Field

I would like to give a special thanks to the love of my life, Matthew Harvey, for his support in putting this campaign together.

You have given me your time when time is all we have.