The yoga inspired photo-story I am sharing with you today is from a very private and intimate experience I had with a good friend: yogi Sarah Swoon and her beautiful cats. As many of you already know, I am working on a new series exploring organic morphology and transformation entitled “Breathe in… Breathe out… Let the human in…” You can read more about this work in progress in this SA Creative Network article.

“In-between” is a collection of portraits compiled from a yoga session with Sarah Swoon.

Sarah recently rekindled her passion for yoga and decided to take the next step in her practice and become an instructor. She was also going through some other life changes at the time and I wanted to capture this feeling of transition and change. I went into the shoot knowing that this was of significance, and wanted to capture her current state of being, the time of her life she found herself in. I wanted to capture it like stills from a film… the film of life… in which every single moment is different from the one before and after, much like a snowflake or fingerprint. I had drawn out some ideas, representing life through the concepts of growth and evolution which lead to the creation of the above mentioned series.

But this story is about the moments in between the big plans. The life that happens while we are chasing our dreams.

As Sarah moved with grace and poise through the asana, the serenity of the practice filled the room with a peacefulness, allowing us both to breathe. Allowing space to think. Or not. To just become one with the experience and allow creativity to flow.

My wish for you in 2016 is to recognize these “in-between” moments, to take a second to slow down and breathe it in.
Live consciously and prosper!

Fine art portrait of yogi behind cat on chair in black and white by Natalie Field Photography Fine art yoga portrait in black and white by Natalie Field Photography Fine art portrait of yogi behind on chair in studio in black and white by Natalie Field Photography Fine art portrait of yogi on chair in studio in black and white by Natalie Field Photography Fine art portrait of yogi with cat in studio in black and white by Natalie Field Photography Fine art portrait of yogi and cat in studio in black and white by Natalie Field Photography Fine art portrait of yogi in lying position in studio in black and white by Natalie Field Photography Fine art portrait of yogi in forward bend position in studio in black and white by Natalie Field Photography Fine art portrait of yogi jumping with cats watching in studio in black and white by Natalie Field Photography Fine art portrait of ehite fluffy cat in studio in black and white by Natalie Field Photography Fine art portrait of yogi in fetus position wearing wedding dress in studio in black and white by Natalie Field Photography Fine art portrait of yogi on linen fabric photographed from above wearing wedding dress in studio in black and white by Natalie Field Photography Fine art portrait of yogi on linen fabric photographed from above wearing wedding dress in studio in black and white by Natalie Field Photography Fine art portrait of yogi Sarah Swoon wearing wedding dress covered with paper butterflies in studio in black and white by Natalie Field Photography